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Why You Should Hire a VA from the Philippines

why you should hire a virtual assistant

One of the most go-to outsources country on the internet since 2003 is the Philippines. Not simply because of how cheap the wage is compared to other countries but because of the work ethic that Filipino Virtual Assistants and other home-based online workers provide us.

The beautiful thing about hiring a virtual assistant is it gives us the freedom to FOCUS on our duties as entrepreneurs and be able to delegate certain tasks without micro-managing them.

If you might know, my career as a virtual assistant started in 2007 and I'll tell you, it's not easy to become one since resources are not as abundant as of what we have today.

This post will help you decide whether to hire a virtual assistant for your business or for yourself and dive into some key points on what's the best thing about them. If you already have VA (virtual assistant) and don't know what to do next then you might want to check How to Delegate Task to your VA's.


  • Outsource the task that you don't like or not the area of your expertise

  • You want to make more money by doing what you love

  • Give time to yourself and your family

  • Hire a skilled virtual assistant at their domestic salary

  • You can create a workplace that is not location-dependent

With that in mind, you now have a small reason why this could work for you. Imagine working without a VA, you're everywhere in running the business instead of focusing on what's important like creating a plan to launch your products or making more money. You could even be on a Zoom or Squadcast call for a podcast feature or in an event meeting entrepreneurs like yourself. Instead, you are there sitting on your desk trying to solve all the problems in your business.

Trust me, I know the feeling because I used to work for someone who has the same mindset as you currently have. Now let us take a look at the tips that will blow your mind!

Tip #1 - Money Matters

You might think that hiring a VA is an additional cost of expenses to your start-up business but NO. In fact, it is the complete opposite if you hire the right VA to delegate the tasks. Virtual assistants in the Philippines are, of course, cheaper compared to other countries because they abide by domestic salary rates. You are also hiring a skilled and experienced worker who has vast knowledge about online businesses.

You could be paying $15 - $50 per hour on VA's from other countries wherein the Philippines you could pay a minimum of $5 per hour.

Tip #2 - Productivity

Being productive does not always say that you have to do all the tasks by yourself day-in and day-out. By delegating repetitive tasks to your virtual assistant you are cutting your time off to focus on what really matters.

Tip #3 - Loyalty

Filipinos are very loyal when it comes to the company that hires them, who treats them well, and provides a sustainable and on-going salary. They will do everything to make your business successful. VA's from the Philippines are detail-oriented although they are not very vocal to ideas that will help out your business so be sure to ask them for ideas from time-to-time as it will sometimes be the best for your business.

Tip #4 - Willing to Learn

Filipinos are eager to learn about how your business works and how to make it successful. Feel free to give them insights on the software that you are using or provide them tutorial videos. They love to learn more about it since it will also add to their experience in the future.

Tip #5 - Positive Bunch

Filipino's are a positive bunch which made this one of their best qualities as an online worker. Their positive attitude towards working on a new task or even handling business will help increase their effectiveness as your employee. This attitude can also help you brush off your negative outlook on life or business.

BONUS Tip #6 - Saying YES!

The best thing about Filipino VA's or online-workers in general is they love to follow instructions and are usually not vocal on their opinions. Thus, saying YES to the projects you give them are often abundant. All you have to do in your end is to give them the project and they will handle it themselves or with minimum supervision.

Once you hire your virtual assistant, it is where the fun starts. You will be responsible for delegating their task, getting the contracts ready, and training, which usually takes a lot of time. But, no need to worry because we will talk about that soon.


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